Title: Under the Skull: A. Introduction A.1 The Brain s definition: It is a machine that is conscious of its own existence A.2 The Brain are generating: - The thoughts - Feeling - Dreams - Creative Actions
B. Body B.1 The brain consists of: Cells, little units of life normally visible only under the microscope. B.2 Kinds of cells in the brain: - The neurons - Glia or “Flue” cells. B.3 The parts of the human brain consists of the two cerebral hemispheres on the top: - Left Hemisphere - Right Hemisphere B.4 Functions s Left Hemisphere: - Is responsible for language - Is responsible for vision, - The senses and - Movement on the right side of the body B.5 Functions s Right Hemisphere: - Emotions - Regulation of body temperature - Secretions of the pituitary glands.
C. Conclusion C.1 The brain has been used in different experiments, such as: - Electrical machine - Chemical Machine C.2 Kinds of cells used as brain transmitters: - Noradrenalin - Serotonin - Dopamine - Acetylcholine C.3 Benefit of brain transmitters: Treatments for many cases of Parkinson s disease.
title: under the skull. A.introduction. A1.the brain is a machine consious y existence. B. body: features the brain. B1.organ of the mind ofman. B2.consist of cells. B3.hemispheres left/rigth. funtions of the brain... B4.specialised role in the expresion, drives emotions. B5.carry signals to and from all parts of the body. additional component of the brain. B6.little brain. C.conclusion C1.the brain such as: electrical machine chemical machine.
Fernanda Gonzalez... A. Introduction A.1 your brain, is the more intricate and powerful of all the works of known to us. * Machine. *Computer. * It is the organ of the mind of man. B. Body
B.1 The brain consists of cells. * There are many billions of cells in the brain. *cells, little units of life normally visible only under the microscope. *the cells are arranged neatly in layers. B.2 Two cerebral hemispheres. * Left hemisphere. * right hemisphere. B.3 Left hemisphere. *responsible for language. *responsible for visión. B.4 Right hemisphere. *emotions. *Temperature. *Secretions. B.5 Central part *communications *traffic of information. *Carry signals. C. conclusión C.1 The Brain *Electrical machine. *dedicated to learning. *Chemical machine. *transmitter substance.
A. INTRODUCTION The brain definition: A1. Is a powerful machine like a computer B. BODY B1. Consist of the brain: 1. Cells 2. Neurons 3. Flue cells B2. Is divided into two hemispheres: 1. Left hemisphere: responsible for language, the vision and movement on the right side of the body. 2. Right hemisphere: specific functions of body and brain ( emotions, regulation of body temperature)
3. Besides, back to brain is an additional component, the cerebellum, which is dedicated to learning and reconstructing skilled movements.
C. CONCLUSION C1. Comparisons de brain whit machines: 1. The brain is a electrical machine 2. The brain is also a chemical machine. C2. Different cells use different transmitters: 1. Noradrenalin 2. Serotonin 3. Dopamine 4. GABA 5. acetylcholine
Title: Under the Skull A) Introducción A.1 The Brain´s definition: Is the most intricate and powerful of all the works of nature known to us and it is a machine that is conscious of its own existence. B) Body B.1 The brain consists: Cells, little units of life normally visible only under the microscope. B.2 Kinds of cells in the brain: -The neurons -Glia or “Flue” cells. B.3 The parts of the human brain consists: -Left hemisphere -Right hemisphere B.4 Left hemisphere -Responsible for language -Responsible for vision B.5 Right hemisphere -Emotions -Regulation of body temperature -Secretions of the pituitary glands B.6 The central part of the brain: -communications -traffic of information. -Carry signals. C) Conclusion - The brain is an electrical machine -The brain is also a chemical machine - Treatments for many cases of Parkinson s disease.
Under the skull. A. Introduction. a. “Is the most intricate and powerful of all the works of nature known to us and it is a machine that is conscious of its own existence.” b. “We presume, (the brain), are generated the thoughts and feelings, dreams and creative actions. B. Body. B.1 Formation and brain function: a. Its grey whit a consistency of soft cheese. The brain consist of cells (neurons and flue cells). b. Learn and reconstruct skill movements. c. The central part of the brain is specialized in the expression of drives and emotions. B.2 Hemispheres: a. Right: controls the emotions, body temperature and secretions and pituitary glands. b. Left: Is the responsible for language, vision, the senses and movement on the right side of the body. C. Conclutions. a. The brain is an electrical machine. b. The brain is a chemical machine. c. The study of the brain has got to treat different diseases such as Parkinson's disease
Title: Under the Skull A. Introduction A.1 your brain, is the more intricate and powerful of all the works of known to us. 1. Machine. 2. Computer. 3. It is the organ of the mind of man. B. Body B1. Consist of the brain: 1. Cells 2. Neurons 3. Flue cells B.2 Kinds of cells in the brain: 1. The neurons 2. Glia or “Flue” cells. B.3 The human brain consists of the two cerebral hemispheres on the top: 1. Left 2. Right B.4 Left hemisphere 1. Responsible for language 2. Responsible for vision C. Conclusion C.1 The brain has been used in different experiments, such as: 1. Electrical machine 2. Chemical Machine
Title: Under the Skull A. Intro a.1 The human brain is gray in color and with the consistency of soft cheese. a.2 The brain is consist of cells, little units of life. There are many billions of cells in the brain.
B. Body b.1 Functions: a_ Here are generated the thoughts and feelings, dreams and creative actions. b_ Has a role in the expression of drives and emotions.
b.2 Hemispheres a_Left: is responsible for language, it also contains regions responsible for vision the senses, and movement on the right side of the body. b_Right: contain many nuclei dealing with specific funtions of body and brain(such as emotions, regulation of body temperature, and secretions of the pituitary glands).
C. Conclusions c.1 The brain seems almost like an abstract theory, even though it lies only few milimetres behind the eyebrows. c.2 The brain is an electrical and chemical machine.
Jorge Funes A72620 A. Introduction. Under the skull B. Body B.1 It is a machine millions of times more complex than the mightiest computers now built, is the most intricate and powerful of all the works of nature known to us. a) Greyish in color and with the consistency of soft cheese b) It fits snugly inside the top of the skull. c) It weighs about as much dictionary of moderate size. d) It’s an electrical machine e) It’s a chemical machine. B.2 The brain consists of cells. a) nervelike cells b) glia or flue cells B.3 Cerebral hemispheres a) Left hemisphere b) Right hemisphere B.4 the cerebellum a) which is dedicated to learning and reconstructing skilled movements b) Locared at the back of the brain. B.5 Transmitters a) Nor-adrenalin b) Serotonin c) Dopamine B.6 Benefit of the studies of transmitters a) Treatment for many cases of Parkinson´s disease.
Universidad de Costa Rica Sede Occidente MARIANA CABRERA ARAYA – A81118
HOMEWORK Nº4 – Unit 9: OUTLINE “UNDER THE SKULL” A) Introduction: -The face is just a kind of cinema screen across which flicker the projections of the brain´s activities.
B) Body: THE HUMAN BRAIN a. It´s not very impressive to look i. Grayish in color ii. The consistency of soft cheese iii. It´s snugly inside the top of the skull iv. Weight like a dictionary of moderate size b. It´s the most intricate and powerful of all the works of nature known i. Millions of times more complex than the mightiest computers now built ii. It´s conscious of its own existence iii. Generated the thoughts and feeling, dreams and creative, actions than are the essence of human life iv. It´s the organ of the mind of man c. It´s consist of cells i. Cells are little units of life normally visible only under the microscope. ii. There are many billions of cells in the brain d. It´s consist of two cerebral hemispheres on the top i. They´re separated by a fissure running from front to back ii. They´re reconnected by thick cables of fibres lying towards the centre of the brain. iii. It´s the cerebral cortex, or “the roof of the brian” e. The upper components of the brain i. Central part of the brain ii. Brain stem iii. Back of the brain f. It´s an electrical machine i. Evident from the EEG ii. The EEG tells about how the normal human brain works iii. With modern techniques is possible to detect the arrival of signals in particular regions of the brain g. It´s a chemical machine i. One brain cell influences the action of another not by direct electrical connections but by releasing a “trasmitter” substance into a narrow gap that separates them.
C) Conclusion -Differents cells use different transmitters -once recent benefit of the studies of transmitters has been the introduction of dopa, a treatment for many cases of Parkinson´s disease.
1. Introduction: es muy complejo el funcionamiento del cerebreo no es como muchos lo imaginan. 2. body: el estudio y funcionamiento del cerebro y sus componentes. existen millones de billones de neuronas que conectan al cerebro. el cerebelo nos permite aprender y reproducir movimentos cordinados. 3. conclution: mediante el encefalograma se puede diagnosticar diferentes complicaciones cerebrales y el uso de diferentes drogas puede ayudar o afectar el funcionamiento del cerebro.
HOMEWORK #4: UNIT 9. UNDER THE SKULL. A. Introduction. 1. Definition of brain. 2. Brain characteristics. 2.1. Greyish in colour. 2.2. Consistency of soft cheese. 2.3. Weight as a moderately sized dictionary. 2.4. The most powerful and complex machine. 3. Brain functions. 3.1. Generated feelings, dreams and creative actions. B. Body: THE HUMAN BRAIN. 1. Composition and characteristics of the brain. 1.1. Made up of many microscopic cells. 1.2. Neurons play an important role. 1.3. Formed by glial cells or fuel cells. 1.4. The cells are arranged in layers which explains the order of the brain. 1.5. Composed of two hemispheres at the top. 1.6. These hemispheres are separated by a fissure running from front to back. 1.7. It is the organ of the mind of man. 1.8. This is the cerebral cortex, to which I shall refer as “the roof of the brain”. 1.9. Is very crumpled. 1.10.Is an electrical machine. 2. The upper components of the brain. 2.1. Central part of the brain that is the communications center. 2.2. Specialized function in the expression of impulses and emotions. 2.3. Has an additional component that is dedicated to learning and reconstruction of skilled movements. C. Conclusion. 1. Has an additional component that is dedicated to learning and reconstruction of skilled movements.
Estudiante: Milena Granados Alfaro. HOMEWORK #4 Title: Under the Skill A- Introduction: 1. After half century, it still tells us little about how the normal human brain works, although, with modern techniques, it is possible to detect the arrival of signals in particular regions of the brain. 2. The face barrier is a perpetual problem for anyone to overcome who tries to imagine the brain at work. B- Body 1. Characteristics: Generated the thoughts and feelings, dreams and creative action. Is a machine. 2. Composition or Elements of the Brain: Consists of cell, neurons of many shapes and sizes. Tissue. Have vast numbers of connections. Flue cells. 3. Structure Physical: Composed for two hemispheres: the left and the right. The central part of the brain: specialized role in the expression. At the back of the brain. 4. Functions: Electrical and Chemical C- Conclusion: 1. The Brain is the machine millions of times more complex than the mightiest computer now built. 2. The Brain is the electrical and chemical machine.
Title: Under the Skull: A. Introduction 1 Characteristics of the brain a. is not very impressive to look. b. the consistency of soft cheese. c. it fits snugly inside the tip the skull. d. it weighs about as much as a dictionary of moderate size. e. is the most intricate and powerful of all the works of nature. f. generated the thoughts and feelings, dreams and creative. g. it is the organ of the mind of man.
B. Body. 1. The brain consists of: a. Cells, little units of life normally visible only under the microscope. a. 1 The neurons -nervelike cells, that come in many shapes and size and have vast numbers of connection. a. 2 Glia or “Flue” cells - if cells wee as big as grains of sand. 2. Cerebral hemispheres on the top: a. Right Hemisphere. a.1 Emotions a.2 Regulation of body temperature a.3 Secretions of the pituitary glands.
b. Left Hemisphere. b.1 Is responsible for language b.2 Is responsible for vision, b.3 The senses. b.4 Movement on the right side of the body C. Conclusion 1. The brain has been used in different experiments, such as: a. Electrical machine b. Chemical Machine
2. Kinds of cells used as brain transmitters: a. Noradrenalin b. Serotonin c. Dopamine d .Acetylcholine
Title: Under the Skull:
ReplyDeleteA. Introduction
A.1 The Brain s definition:
It is a machine that is conscious of its own existence
A.2 The Brain are generating:
- The thoughts
- Feeling
- Dreams
- Creative Actions
B. Body
B.1 The brain consists of:
Cells, little units of life normally visible only under the microscope.
B.2 Kinds of cells in the brain:
- The neurons
- Glia or “Flue” cells.
B.3 The parts of the human brain consists of the two cerebral hemispheres on the top:
- Left Hemisphere
- Right Hemisphere
B.4 Functions s Left Hemisphere:
- Is responsible for language
- Is responsible for vision,
- The senses and
- Movement on the right side of the body
B.5 Functions s Right Hemisphere:
- Emotions
- Regulation of body temperature
- Secretions of the pituitary glands.
C. Conclusion
C.1 The brain has been used in different experiments, such as:
- Electrical machine
- Chemical Machine
C.2 Kinds of cells used as brain transmitters:
- Noradrenalin
- Serotonin
- Dopamine
- Acetylcholine
C.3 Benefit of brain transmitters:
Treatments for many cases of Parkinson s disease.
title: under the skull.
A1.the brain is a machine consious y existence.
B. body: features the brain.
B1.organ of the mind ofman.
B2.consist of cells.
B3.hemispheres left/rigth.
funtions of the brain...
B4.specialised role in the expresion, drives emotions.
B5.carry signals to and from all parts of the body.
additional component of the brain.
B6.little brain.
C1.the brain such as:
electrical machine
chemical machine.
Fernanda Gonzalez...
ReplyDeleteA. Introduction
A.1 your brain, is the more intricate and powerful of all the works of known to us.
* Machine.
* It is the organ of the mind of man.
B. Body
B.1 The brain consists of cells. * There are many billions of cells in the brain.
*cells, little units of life normally visible only under the microscope.
*the cells are arranged neatly in layers.
B.2 Two cerebral hemispheres.
* Left hemisphere.
* right hemisphere.
B.3 Left hemisphere.
*responsible for language.
*responsible for visión.
B.4 Right hemisphere.
B.5 Central part
*traffic of information.
*Carry signals.
C. conclusión
C.1 The Brain
*Electrical machine.
*dedicated to learning.
*Chemical machine.
*transmitter substance.
Homework #4
ReplyDeleteOutline the article “Under the Skull”
The brain definition:
A1. Is a powerful machine like a computer
B1. Consist of the brain:
1. Cells
2. Neurons
3. Flue cells
B2. Is divided into two hemispheres:
1. Left hemisphere: responsible for language, the vision and movement on the right side of the body.
2. Right hemisphere: specific functions of body and brain ( emotions, regulation of body temperature)
3. Besides, back to brain is an additional component, the cerebellum, which is dedicated to learning and reconstructing skilled movements.
C1. Comparisons de brain whit machines:
1. The brain is a electrical machine
2. The brain is also a chemical machine.
C2. Different cells use different transmitters:
1. Noradrenalin
2. Serotonin
3. Dopamine
5. acetylcholine
Title: Under the Skull
ReplyDeleteA) Introducción
A.1 The Brain´s definition:
Is the most intricate and powerful of all the works of nature known to us and it is a machine that is conscious of its own existence.
B) Body
B.1 The brain consists:
Cells, little units of life normally visible only under the microscope.
B.2 Kinds of cells in the brain:
-The neurons
-Glia or “Flue” cells.
B.3 The parts of the human brain consists:
-Left hemisphere
-Right hemisphere
B.4 Left hemisphere
-Responsible for language
-Responsible for vision
B.5 Right hemisphere
-Regulation of body temperature
-Secretions of the pituitary glands
B.6 The central part of the brain:
-traffic of information.
-Carry signals.
C) Conclusion
- The brain is an electrical machine
-The brain is also a chemical machine
- Treatments for many cases of Parkinson s disease.
Under the skull.
ReplyDeleteA. Introduction.
a. “Is the most intricate and powerful of all the works of nature known to us and it is a machine that is conscious of its own existence.”
b. “We presume, (the brain), are generated the thoughts and feelings, dreams and creative actions.
B. Body.
B.1 Formation and brain function:
a. Its grey whit a consistency of soft cheese. The brain consist of cells (neurons and flue cells).
b. Learn and reconstruct skill movements.
c. The central part of the brain is specialized in the expression of drives and emotions.
B.2 Hemispheres:
a. Right: controls the emotions, body temperature and secretions and pituitary glands.
b. Left: Is the responsible for language, vision, the senses and movement on the right side of the body.
C. Conclutions.
a. The brain is an electrical machine.
b. The brain is a chemical machine.
c. The study of the brain has got to treat different diseases such as Parkinson's disease
Title: Under the Skull
ReplyDeleteA. Introduction
A.1 your brain, is the more intricate and powerful of all the works of known to us.
1. Machine.
2. Computer.
3. It is the organ of the mind of man.
B. Body
B1. Consist of the brain:
1. Cells
2. Neurons
3. Flue cells
B.2 Kinds of cells in the brain:
1. The neurons
2. Glia or “Flue” cells.
B.3 The human brain consists of the two cerebral hemispheres on the top:
1. Left
2. Right
B.4 Left hemisphere
1. Responsible for language
2. Responsible for vision
C. Conclusion
C.1 The brain has been used in different experiments, such as:
1. Electrical machine
2. Chemical Machine
Under the shull
ReplyDeleteA. Intro
A.1) Faces barrier
A.2)Human brain exposed
B. Body
B. 1 Components of the human brain
B. 2 Functions of the human brain
C.1 Benefit of the studies of transmitters
a.Introduction of dopa
Title: Under the Skull
ReplyDeleteA. Intro
a.1 The human brain is gray in color and with the consistency of soft cheese.
a.2 The brain is consist of cells, little units of life. There are many billions of cells in the brain.
B. Body
b.1 Functions:
a_ Here are generated the thoughts and feelings, dreams and creative actions.
b_ Has a role in the expression of drives and emotions.
b.2 Hemispheres
a_Left: is responsible for language, it also contains regions responsible for vision the senses, and movement on the right side of the body.
b_Right: contain many nuclei dealing with specific funtions of body and brain(such as emotions, regulation of body temperature, and secretions of the pituitary glands).
C. Conclusions
c.1 The brain seems almost like an abstract theory, even though it lies only few milimetres behind the eyebrows.
c.2 The brain is an electrical and chemical machine.
Jorge Funes
A. Introduction. Under the skull
B. Body
B.1 It is a machine millions of times more complex than the mightiest computers now built, is the most intricate and powerful of all the works of nature known to us.
a) Greyish in color and with the consistency of soft cheese
b) It fits snugly inside the top of the skull.
c) It weighs about as much dictionary of moderate size.
d) It’s an electrical machine
e) It’s a chemical machine.
B.2 The brain consists of cells.
a) nervelike cells
b) glia or flue cells
B.3 Cerebral hemispheres
a) Left hemisphere
b) Right hemisphere
B.4 the cerebellum
a) which is dedicated to learning and reconstructing skilled movements
b) Locared at the back of the brain.
B.5 Transmitters
a) Nor-adrenalin
b) Serotonin
c) Dopamine
B.6 Benefit of the studies of transmitters
a) Treatment for many cases of Parkinson´s disease.
C. The brain seems almost like an abstract theory
Universidad de Costa Rica
ReplyDeleteSede Occidente
A) Introduction:
-The face is just a kind of cinema screen across which flicker the projections of the brain´s activities.
a. It´s not very impressive to look
i. Grayish in color
ii. The consistency of soft cheese
iii. It´s snugly inside the top of the skull
iv. Weight like a dictionary of moderate size
b. It´s the most intricate and powerful of all the works of nature known
i. Millions of times more complex than the mightiest computers now built
ii. It´s conscious of its own existence
iii. Generated the thoughts and feeling, dreams and creative, actions than are the essence of human life
iv. It´s the organ of the mind of man
c. It´s consist of cells
i. Cells are little units of life normally visible only under the microscope.
ii. There are many billions of cells in the brain
d. It´s consist of two cerebral hemispheres on the top
i. They´re separated by a fissure running from front to back
ii. They´re reconnected by thick cables of fibres lying towards the centre of the brain.
iii. It´s the cerebral cortex, or “the roof of the brian”
e. The upper components of the brain
i. Central part of the brain
ii. Brain stem
iii. Back of the brain
f. It´s an electrical machine
i. Evident from the EEG
ii. The EEG tells about how the normal human brain works
iii. With modern techniques is possible to detect the arrival of signals in particular regions of the brain
g. It´s a chemical machine
i. One brain cell influences the action of another not by direct electrical connections but by releasing a “trasmitter” substance into a narrow gap that separates them.
C) Conclusion
-Differents cells use different transmitters
-once recent benefit of the studies of transmitters has been the introduction of dopa, a treatment for many cases of Parkinson´s disease.
1. Introduction:
ReplyDeletees muy complejo el funcionamiento del cerebreo no es como muchos lo imaginan.
2. body:
el estudio y funcionamiento del cerebro y sus componentes. existen millones de billones de neuronas que conectan al cerebro. el cerebelo nos permite aprender y reproducir movimentos cordinados.
3. conclution:
mediante el encefalograma se puede diagnosticar diferentes complicaciones cerebrales y el uso de diferentes drogas puede ayudar o afectar el funcionamiento del cerebro.
A. Introduction.
1. Definition of brain.
2. Brain characteristics.
2.1. Greyish in colour.
2.2. Consistency of soft cheese.
2.3. Weight as a moderately sized dictionary.
2.4. The most powerful and complex machine.
3. Brain functions.
3.1. Generated feelings, dreams and creative actions.
1. Composition and characteristics of the brain.
1.1. Made up of many microscopic cells.
1.2. Neurons play an important role.
1.3. Formed by glial cells or fuel cells.
1.4. The cells are arranged in layers which explains the order of the brain.
1.5. Composed of two hemispheres at the top.
1.6. These hemispheres are separated by a fissure running from front to back.
1.7. It is the organ of the mind of man.
1.8. This is the cerebral cortex, to which I shall refer as “the roof of the brain”.
1.9. Is very crumpled.
1.10.Is an electrical machine.
2. The upper components of the brain.
2.1. Central part of the brain that is the communications center.
2.2. Specialized function in the expression of impulses and emotions.
2.3. Has an additional component that is dedicated to learning and reconstruction of skilled movements.
C. Conclusion.
1. Has an additional component that is dedicated to learning and reconstruction of skilled movements.
Estudiante: Milena Granados Alfaro.
ReplyDeleteHOMEWORK #4
Title: Under the Skill
A- Introduction:
1. After half century, it still tells us little about how the normal human brain works, although, with modern techniques, it is possible to detect the arrival of signals in particular regions of the brain.
2. The face barrier is a perpetual problem for anyone to overcome who tries to imagine the brain at work.
B- Body
1. Characteristics: Generated the thoughts and feelings, dreams and creative action. Is a machine.
2. Composition or Elements of the Brain: Consists of cell, neurons of many shapes and sizes. Tissue. Have vast numbers of connections. Flue cells.
3. Structure Physical: Composed for two hemispheres: the left and the right. The central part of the brain: specialized role in the expression. At the back of the brain.
4. Functions: Electrical and Chemical
C- Conclusion:
1. The Brain is the machine millions of times more complex than the mightiest computer now built.
2. The Brain is the electrical and chemical machine.
Title: Under the Skull:
ReplyDeleteA. Introduction
1 Characteristics of the brain
a. is not very impressive to look.
b. the consistency of soft cheese.
c. it fits snugly inside the tip the skull.
d. it weighs about as much as a dictionary of moderate size.
e. is the most intricate and powerful of all the works of nature.
f. generated the thoughts and feelings, dreams and creative.
g. it is the organ of the mind of man.
B. Body.
1. The brain consists of:
a. Cells, little units of life normally visible only under the microscope.
a. 1 The neurons
-nervelike cells, that come in many shapes and size and have vast numbers of connection.
a. 2 Glia or “Flue” cells
- if cells wee as big as grains of sand.
2. Cerebral hemispheres on the top:
a. Right Hemisphere.
a.1 Emotions
a.2 Regulation of body temperature
a.3 Secretions of the pituitary glands.
b. Left Hemisphere.
b.1 Is responsible for language
b.2 Is responsible for vision,
b.3 The senses.
b.4 Movement on the right side of the body
C. Conclusion
1. The brain has been used in different experiments, such as:
a. Electrical machine
b. Chemical Machine
2. Kinds of cells used as brain transmitters:
a. Noradrenalin
b. Serotonin
c. Dopamine
d .Acetylcholine